The six part series of Poh & Co., hosted by the charming, warm and disarmingly honest cook and visual artist, Poh Ling Yeow, begins on Thursday, 2 April at 8pm on SBS ONE. Join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #PohandCo. Read my conversation with Poh Li here.
Poh Ling Yeow's latest adventure, Poh's Kitchen on the Road takes Poh and viewers on a journey around Australia and to Asia. Poh uncovers local food secrets from the Flinders Ranges and Eyre Peninsula in South Australia; Melbourne and the Victorian alps; King Island and central Tasmania; Sydney; Perth; the Kimberleys; and Northern Queensland. She'll also take a trip to Singapore and Chiang Mai and Bangkok in Thailand.
Poh's Kitchen on the Road on ABC TV 8.00pm on Wednesday nights from 24 August. |
Couch PotatoComing to the screen at your place. Book your seats on the sofa! Programs