Fig Frangipane TartSucculent figs seduce our senses from late Summer through to Autumn and this year they seem to be exceptionally tasty. As you can tell from my masthead, I adore figs, both black fleshed and white, and could happily devour several of them fresh from the hand in one sitting. To my mind, a plate of fresh figs is the perfect dessert when they are in season. I also enjoy them in a range of sweet and savoury dishes and feel they need very little fussing over. One of my favourite Australian poets, Kate Llewellyn, reminds us in her poem titled Figs how good this fruit is: 'Figs are old each tree looks it too before people spoke our languages they ate figs and no doubt found them good'. Indeed, figs are good and were love at first bite for me, but that slightly furry skin and granular flesh isn't for everyone's palate... Llewllyn continues... 'brown or purple the skin is queer striped furry sandpaper and inside the rent flesh lies pink gorgeous wet it doesn't throb but it might and the scent a mixture of honey earth rain and something green'. Until this season, my Peter wasn't so keen on figs. He surprised me by sampling the Salad of Figs, Buffalo Mozzarella and Mint that I posted recently. Even more surprising, he didn't turn up his nose or complain. And, to my delight, when I served this Fig Frangipane Tart a few weeks ago, he ate it with gusto and even made that low grumbling, sexy, Lurch-like Mmmmmm sound he does when he loves the food I've prepared. I have made this tart several times since and he loves it. Win win!! So, here is my take on Lorenza De Medici's recipe for Fig Tart from her stunning A Passion for Fruit. I quickly prepared it while Peter was barbecuing our steaks. This is a simply delicious tart, love at first bite and my kind of food. As such, the recipe was perfect for the February Sweet Adventures Blog Hop. Thanks to Nic, from Dining with a Stud, for hosting this month's SABH. Make sure you dip into the other links down below and tantalise your tastebuds with all the different variations on the Love at First Bite theme! Yum. FIG FRANGIPANE TART 1-2 sheets ready made puff pastry 1/2 kg fresh ripe figs 2-3 tablespoons honey For the frangipane: 60g unsalted butter, softened and cut into pieces 60g vanilla infused caster sugar 60g almond meal 1 egg 3 drops almond essence (optional) Preheat the oven to 175 degrees C or 350 degrees F. Place the pastry onto a 20x 30-cm oblong tart tin* and blind bake it until the pastry is light golden in colour. Carefully rinse the figs, pat dry with paper towelling and *slice them in half lengthways. Meanwhile, make the frangipane by combining the butter, sugar and almond meal in a food processor and blend until well mixed. Add the egg and the almond essence, if using, and process until the mixture is smooth. Spread the frangipane inside the cooked pastry shell, smoothing it over with a spatula. Arrange the figs on top and bake for 45 minutes or so. Heat the honey briefly in a microwave and brush over the top of the figs, then pop the tart back into the oven and bake for five minutes more. Serve slices warm with dollop cream, Lush yoghurt or home made vanilla bean ice cream. Serves 4-6. *I used a round tart tin on the first occasion that I made the tart and cut the figs into slices rather than in half, per the photographs. I have also made it with the figs sliced in half. I must say that Peter and I preferred the thinner fig slices rather than halves, somehow they were much sweeter. Incidentally, Kaye Llewellyn's poem, Figs, can be read in full here. It is from her book with the same title. See below. Note: if you are interested in growing figs, Gardening Australia has some really useful fact sheets here. Interesting to note that 'a slab of concrete or slate in the bottom of the planting hole will force the plant to spread shallow roots and encourage it to produce heavily'. Hmm, I wonder if I could successfully grow a fig tree in a pot. *Scratches head*. Must investigate. Thanks again to Nic, from Dining with a Stud, for hosting this month's SABH. Make sure you dip into the other links and tantalise your tastebuds with all the different variations on the Love at First Bite theme! Yum. 19/2/2012 08:53:17 pm
I'm not such a fan of figs. I only like the dried ones. But I do think I would like this:)
19/2/2012 09:00:48 pm
Hi... I think you would love the dried ones at our local Farmer's Market. See my entry under Market People, the Di Cerbo's. Magdalena's figs are the white fleshed ones in my pic above and she dries them too. Yum! 19/2/2012 09:42:08 pm
What a beautiful ode to figs! You've certainly done them justice with this tart.
20/2/2012 06:07:44 am
Why thank you kindly Tenille, my fig loving friend. 19/2/2012 09:56:50 pm
What a perfect fig recipe! The glaze! OH the glaze! Delicious! Thanks so much for joining the hop :)
20/2/2012 06:08:23 am
Thanks so much, the glaze is a beautiful honey from Honey Delight, right here in Canberra! 19/2/2012 10:25:03 pm
Delicious! I must make use of wonderful figs while they are in season!
20/2/2012 06:09:06 am
Hi Prue! Nice to meet you. I can't wait to get back to the Farmer's Market to get some more.
20/2/2012 06:09:39 am
Hello there Skinny Liz! We can hope... we can always hope! Thanks for your kind words. 20/2/2012 12:21:18 am
I have some figs from a recent over-zealous purchase sitting in the fridge, this gives me another idea of what to use them for! Sounds delicious!
20/2/2012 06:10:02 am
Yes, yes, yes! 20/2/2012 06:51:16 am
Lizzy, just this evening I stood in the kitchen eating figs fresh from our tree! The best of the season so far.
20/2/2012 04:34:49 pm
Hiya Mandy! Oh, I am so envious that you have a fig tree!!! You know, whenI was married, I had one, it was self sown. Then my (ex) husband dug it out and killed out, without asking me if I might like to keep it. To my huge disappointment, as it was growing really well! Perhaps that is one of the reasons he became my ex, LOL. Thank you for your very kind words. 20/2/2012 07:37:24 am
What a luscious looking treat indeed! Figs are certainly sublime. I also wonder if a fig could be grown in a wine barrel? I've recently seen dwarf fig trees and they probably would, but what about full sized trees?
20/2/2012 04:35:22 pm
Dwarf, fig trees... now that is a great idea. I am going to look into that one! Thanks!!!!
InTolerant Chef
23/2/2012 09:01:18 am
I'm sure I saw one last week atBunnings or MagnetMart at Belconnen/Gungahlin, hope you find one.
20/2/2012 04:35:49 pm
Thanks Rhu! Would you like a cuppa?
20/2/2012 04:36:10 pm
Laura, thank you very your kind words! Oh Lizzy, that tart looks divine!!! I've been really enjoying figs this season, but can't get my fiance to like them. I'm hoping as with my persistance with getting him to try mushrooms, my persistance with getting him to try figs will pay off. No doubt like yours did with your husband.
20/2/2012 04:37:40 pm
Hello there Jennifer... thank you for your kind compliment. Keep plugging away, you just never know. Peter, my partner, has finally succumbed. He even ate a fresh fig when we got home from the farmer's market the other day. Woo hoo! 20/2/2012 11:27:31 am
I have just picked the first crop of figs off my little tree Lizzy, I am going to keep this recipe for the day I have enough figs to make it. Yum!
20/2/2012 04:38:22 pm
Oh Jane.... how delicious... are there pics on your bloggy? I must pop in a check. This is a goodie. Do try it. 20/2/2012 03:06:20 pm
Hi there, I love all of your fig facts :)
20/2/2012 04:40:56 pm
Hi... thank you, I'm glad that you found them interesting. The frangipane is great, especially if you grind the almonds fresh yourself. I love to keep the vanilla beans in my caster sugar. It does add a lovely subtle flavour. 20/2/2012 04:08:30 pm
Impressive looking tart! When baking desserts, I love using fruit as the sweet part in place of sugar, so your recipe looks great to me. I love the flavor and texture of figs, but have never actually tried baking with them. Thanks for the recipe!
20/2/2012 04:42:35 pm
Hello Juiia, welcome! Baked figs are just divine... there is very little sugar in this recipe, only in the frangipane, and I have actually forgotten to add it one time and it still tasted lovely... the honey glaze is a lovely sweetener. Thanks for stopping in! 20/2/2012 06:15:25 pm
Lizzy, you are a woman after my own heart! I love, love, LOVE a good frangipane and we have an abundance of figs at the moment thanks to Paul's Mum's amazing fig tree. We are going away with friends this weekend and I think I might make one of these to take with us.
20/2/2012 06:18:35 pm
Hey Erin... we are kindred spirits in the kitchen! And you have access to a lovely fig tree, how wonderful! A perfectly ripe fig shouldn't make you itch, but I know what you mean. I can't seem to eat Kiwi Fruit. Goat's cheese and fig, yum!!! Thanks for stopping by.
20/2/2012 08:28:28 pm
They are lovely in this tart and also, of course, made into jam. I love them every which way! 20/2/2012 10:45:47 pm
I have inherited a beautiful white porcelain, fluted-edge tart pan, and shamefully I don't know what to do with it! The tart must be as sugar-free as possible because of diabetes issues in the family. Any ideas?
21/2/2012 05:38:40 pm
Oh, your tart pan sounds just lovely! I do have a white porcelain one too, as well as a blue one. You just reminded me. Hmmm.... are you able to have honey? I wonder if the fig tart where the figs are baked in a shortcrust pastry shell, then drizzled with 3 tablespoons of runny honey and some Cointreau would be allowable? Ask a dietician perhaps, as I am not sure. 20/2/2012 11:55:26 pm
Oh yum - a gorgeous fig recipe, Lizzy. Lovely!
21/2/2012 05:36:28 pm
Christina, thanks so much!
21/2/2012 05:36:11 pm
Moya, thank you for those kind words! Please pop in again.
21/2/2012 05:35:50 pm
Hello there Lisa... any news on BBB yet?
21/2/2012 05:35:36 pm
Ah, the brown turkey fig... I saw one at the garden centre, but wasn't sure about what it tastes like. Brittany, have you tasted them? Are they good?
21/2/2012 05:34:57 pm
Hello there Daisy... thanks for those very kind words... please, dip in and help yourself! 21/2/2012 05:27:14 pm
Thank you for this lovely entry. I love poetry (Lit teacher alert!) and have recently rediscovered the joy of figs. What a delightful entry, Lizzy!
21/2/2012 05:34:28 pm
Thank you KC! I love poetry too... have you seen my Food Verse pages? Thanks for your kind words. Please visit again. 21/2/2012 06:42:18 pm
I love love love figs and this tart is just gorgeous!!!
21/2/2012 06:50:33 pm
You too, Katherine? I love, love, love figs too! Thank you for your kind compliment! 21/2/2012 08:12:25 pm
Now, i haven't experimented with figs much ... but you have tempted me with these stunning photos and simple recipe.
21/2/2012 09:07:56 pm
Hello there Rachel, my friend. I am glad to have tempted you. Yes, I enjoy Kate Llewllyn's words... and I would fancy being a poet too. It would be something to write as eloquently and vividly as she does. 24/2/2012 11:46:46 pm
Love how figs are so cheap at the moment, actually making a tart tomorrow for dessert. Love the look of yours, yum
25/2/2012 12:18:49 pm
Hi Sara, oh yum, would love to see your recipe! OMG, figs are so good, I cannot wait till EPIC markets next weekend to get some more!
25/2/2012 12:20:09 pm
Thanks Leaf! I will have another look... there were only a couple at Magnet Mart and we ran out of time this weekend! 25/2/2012 11:54:18 am
I've always wanted to try a frangipane tart and this looks like a fabulous recipe! I love the freshness of the ingredients you always feature.
25/2/2012 12:19:25 pm
Hi Michelle, thanks so much for that lovely compliment! I love fresh ingredients and fresh produce, thanks for your kind words!
26/2/2012 06:15:25 am
Hello Invisible Christine! Thank you : )
24/3/2012 07:17:44 pm
Oh Karen, I know just what you mean. I have a platter of figs in the kitchen at the moment... adore them! Thanks for popping in. Please visit again!
26/3/2012 03:42:25 pm
You solved my dilemma of what to do with the careme pastry I've just found in the freezer and the last of the white figs.......looks luscious!
27/3/2012 07:05:47 am
Hello Elaine! Oh, how divine... two fig trees... I now have two in the half wine barrels and will keep you posted on how they progress. Thanks so much for popping in! Comments are closed.
Cooking and writing have been a lifelong passion. Join me as I share with you my favourite recipes; postcards and morsels from my travels; conversations with cookery writers and chefs; and news on food, cookbooks and cooking. - Liz Posmyk
NB: I use Australian standard measuring cups and spoons in my recipes.