A common thread in any discussion with fellow retirees is that life is somehow busier than ever before when one no longer "goes to work". Sure, the pace is a slower, but the days pass quickly and the diary is almost always packed with wonderful things to do. With this in mind, relishing retirement and enjoying life is at the top of my agenda, so please excuse me for not journalling here on the blog any longer. Thank you for your friendship and support over the years. All the best to you and yours. Over and out for now. 7/1/2018 11:08:28 am
Happy New Year! You're right about retirement being a busy time (but in a good way!). Blogging is fun, but it shouldn't get in the way of real life. Glad you have a good one to enjoy. :-)
7/1/2018 09:17:37 pm
Happy new year to you and Mrs KR, John. Life is way too short indeed. Have a great 2018 and keep those fab recipes coming!
7/1/2018 09:15:47 pm
Boo, Gary!!! Thank you for stopping by. Take care, stay cool x
7/1/2018 09:16:44 pm
Take care dear Liz xx
Simone Mason
7/1/2018 03:39:05 pm
Way to go, Lizzie. Living life is more important. We're all doing the same xxoo
7/1/2018 09:14:06 pm
Thank you so much for understanding. x
Bob Bennett
7/1/2018 03:40:02 pm
I went to the funeral of a friend recently Lizzie. Life's way to short to spend time doing things that take us away from the real stuff. Enjoy.
7/1/2018 09:15:13 pm
Hi Bob, I was at the same funeral farewelling the same dear colleague and friend. It all happened so quickly and the cancer took him way too soon. It does make one stop and consider.
7/1/2018 09:13:33 pm
To you also, dear friend. And I'm loving your rescue pooch as well. Take care x
Jenni Shum
7/1/2018 05:48:43 pm
Hi Lizzie. Yup, agree with Bob. Life is too short. I'll look you up on Instragram. I'm a new user to Instragram and i have already come to love the quick and simple snippets with accompanying shots. Jenni (PS> Happy New Year to you both!)
7/1/2018 09:22:48 pm
Hi Jenni, oh yes please do and then we can keep in touch that way... would love to catch up with you and John sometime very soon! Happy new year xxx
7/1/2018 07:08:42 pm
God bless you and a very happy and healthy New Year! Am laughing: am way older than you but do ill-paid work 70-hours a week ++++ and having melted at 46C yesterday with no AC . . . and but little better today and tomorrow . . . life is not all THAT enjoyable at the moment. Typical female: bought a state-if-the-art fan on NY sales to make matters a little more bearable . . . . do you think I can click it together and no professional in sight till next week . . . oh, Liz: I AM so happy things are comfortable for you . . .
7/1/2018 09:11:54 pm
Bless you too, dearest Eha. I wish I lived closer... I'd pop in and put your fan together... or at least try! Take care xxx
7/1/2018 10:18:54 pm
*just a laugh* Three 'clever', big and burly guys have tried so far this morning and have fewer clues than I ! And here it feels as if a herd of elephants is sitting atop us . . . . hot, hot, hot . . .
7/1/2018 09:12:50 pm
Happy happy new year to you also, Gerlinde. I love blogging but right now I just can't seem to focus on it. All the best xx
8/1/2018 03:56:59 pm
Hi Francesca, and happy new year to you as well. Yes, please do... I've been looking for you on Instagram!!! xx
8/1/2018 03:57:35 pm
Greetings, Ron and Gott nytt år to you also x 9/1/2018 02:36:22 am
I smiled reading your words today, since Bear expresses the same sentiment regularly. He wonders how on earth he got anything done before retiring. :-) 11/1/2018 07:57:49 pm
happy new year liz to you and yours! yes retirement keeps us off the streets doesn't it? always something to do.... 14/1/2018 03:43:21 pm
I have to agree with you completely. My husband and I have never been as busy since he retired. It sounds like we are both busy but happy.
18/1/2018 04:24:20 pm
Happy 2018 Liz and Peter! Wishing you the most fabulous retirement and I am so happy that I have met you! The highlight was your book launch! Will pop over to Instagram to say hi, and hope I can catch up sometime in Canberra! Huge hugs xx 14/4/2018 05:38:41 pm
I've heard it said that as soon as you stop doing something you fill it up with something else. I do like the look of that label on the wine! Beautiful image of the beach xx 3/5/2018 11:06:50 am
You're right, you should take your time to enjoy life and do things you love! 21/5/2018 03:18:56 pm
Just wanted to say "hello". Hope all is well and that you are both happy and healthy.
Lizzy (Good Things)
18/7/2018 03:45:30 am
Thanks everyone. All the very best. Bizzy xo 26/12/2018 08:52:41 am
Have been thinking about you. I hope Christmas was everything you wanted it to be. Comments are closed.
Cooking and writing have been a lifelong passion. Join me as I share with you my favourite recipes; postcards and morsels from my travels; conversations with cookery writers and chefs; and news on food, cookbooks and cooking. - Liz Posmyk
NB: I use Australian standard measuring cups and spoons in my recipes.