Watching the Two Greedy Italians, Antonio Carluccio and Gennaro Contaldo, on a sentimental food adventure across Italy, I've been somewhat awestruck by just how much Mr Carluccio's mannerisms and disposition remind me of my mother in her latter years. Bear in mind I haven't had the opportunity to meet the gentleman or see him in real life (time wise I was not able to get to Sydney's Crave Festival), so my impressions are from watching his cooking programs. And it's not that Carluccio looks like my mother, it's his persona, his nature, his air. On the release of his memoir, A Recipe for Life, Carluccio spoke with Canberra Times food and wine editor, Kirsten Lawson. From this interview, I learn that despite his fame, Caruluccio has led a deeply troubled life. Yet, to me, he seems to have an aura of serenity, and knowing (if you understand my meaning), and contentedness about him. He has, perhaps, now found his 'happy place', through food, which he says is his life. 'Mmmmmm, they are wonderful,' he closes his eyes and smiles deliciously as he devours a mouthful of ripe figs plucked from a roadside tree by his best friend, Contaldo. Similarly, when tucking into a bowl of ragged-edged pasta with freshly made pesto, there is the sheer delight that comes from enjoying simple, good things. 'I [have] discovered that in getting old, or older, you are just content and happy to be who you are,' he said on the Italian philosophy of la bella figura. I nodded, for I know that this is how my mother felt. Not that she ever needed to say so. It was just so. That said, however, the focus of this snippet was not intended to be Antonio Carluccio, nor la bella figura, nor indeed my mother. Actually, it was inspired by a light and luscious rice torta that my mother made often when I was quite small. Over the years, I have quietly fantasised about this cake and wished I had taken the opportunity to ask mum for her recipe. Her torta was based on a vanilla-infused rice pudding (tejbe riz) with plump raisins and a hint of orange. Antonio Carluccio and Gennaro Contaldo prepared a similar cake in an episode of Two Greedy Italians and I watched the segment over and over, and afterwards baked the torta myself. And then it happened. That moment when you taste something delicious from your childhood. I closed my eyes and smiled. Mmmmmmm. Molto delizioso, nagyon finom! The torta tastes just like my mother's version and one mouthful took me to a happy place! My take on the recipe* is shared below. In Italian, this cake is known as Torta di Riso al Profumo d’Arancio, or Orange Rice Cake in English. It sounds much nicer in Italian no? TORTA DI RISO AL PROFUMO D'ARANCIO 1.7 litres low fat milk 1 plump vanilla pod, split rind of half a lemon, cut into thick strips 200g (1 cup) caster sugar 300g Arborio rice 6 large eggs 1/4 cup orange liqueur70g raisins finely chopped zest of an orange Prepare a 24cm springform cake tin by greasing it and lining the base and sides with baking paper. Combine the milk, vanilla pod, strips of lemon rind and caster sugar in a large, heavy based saucepan and bring the milk to the boil. Add the rice, lower the heat and simmer until the rice is al dente and creamy. Discard the vanilla bean+ and lemon strips and allow the rice to cool. While the rice is cooling, preheat the oven to 180 degrees C. Separate the eggs. Whisk the egg whites until soft peaks form. In a separate bowl, whisk the yolks with the orange liqueur until the mixture is creamy. Stir the egg yolks and liqueur into the cooled rice. Then gently fold the egg whites into the rice. Add the raisins and the orange zest, and stir through. Bake in the preheated oven for one hour. Cover the top of the cake with foil halfway through to prevent over-browning. The cake can be served warm or cold, dusted with icing sugar. Indeed, it tastes better the following day. This quantity serves 8-10. *The original recipe has you preheating the oven for what seemed to me to be way too long, so I have reworded it. I've also amended some of the quantities of ingredients slightly. +I'm advised by Jennifer from Heilala Vanilla that the vanilla bean can be rinsed, dried and reused to infuse caster sugar. The process in pictures...Buon appetito! Tell me, what food takes you to a happy place. And were you fortunate enough to catch Antonio Carluccio in Sydney?
13/10/2012 07:03:37 pm
Dear Moya, good morning. This torta would be delicious as an early morning treat. Very nourishing. Thank you for stopping by ; D 13/10/2012 01:26:56 pm
What an amazing looking dessert cake, so delicious. I have lots of food memories and tasting various things will instantly transport me back to the original moment I had it for the first time. Lovely story :)
13/10/2012 07:04:08 pm
Hello there! Isn't it amazing, the power of taste and smell?! Thank you for your kind words ; D 13/10/2012 02:14:35 pm
I'd love to meet him! I didn't realise that he had a troubled life, as you say he always seems so warm and cheerful! :)
13/10/2012 07:04:33 pm
I would love to meet Mr Carluccio too, Lorraine. What an honour that would be!
13/10/2012 07:05:02 pm
Maureen, it's not really about the cake either darling, you got it right. Thank you ever so much xox 13/10/2012 02:49:16 pm
Good afternoon Lizzy. This looks and sounds delicious! As usual your process in pictures is so crisp and clear. Your story is lovely, how special to have re-discovered a memory and recipe from your childhood.
13/10/2012 07:05:52 pm
Dear Jane, thank you... you are so very kind. Curried sausages were new to me, until a few years ago when Peter cooked them for me. Chocolate pudding, yum. And scrambled eggs, too. How comforting!
13/10/2012 03:25:45 pm
Am nearly crying! Thank you so much for writing and publishing this. Yes, have been so contented the last few Thursdays that the socalled 'food porn night' is with us again. Have been both admirous and sad watching Carluccio quietly sitting back and the younger Contaldo coming up to 'fill the gap'. Still a couple of the most real people TV has to share with us. I don't have a copy of 'Recipe for life': this has to be amended. And that rice cake baked. Thank you for something real which can be respected and cherished.
13/10/2012 07:07:09 pm
Dear Eha, thank you. I am with you... but please don't feel sad. Mr Carluccio seems happy and content... this time of growing old will come to all of us, my dear. It is to be celebrated. I think I need a copy of the memoir too! Thank you again. 13/10/2012 08:14:02 pm
This sounds just so lovely Lizzy- would you mind if I also blogged it? Of course I will link back too you, but I think this is a lovely recipe that can be made lactose free easily and is already naturally gluten free.
13/10/2012 09:08:04 pm
Hi Bec, please do. It will take you to a happy place. 14/10/2012 12:09:39 am
I cant think of a more delicious cake ....tonight at least. It really does look gorgeous. I have the perfect rice to make this.
14/10/2012 08:12:31 am
Hello there... I hope you will try this recipe with your perfect rice. I promise, it is so delicious! 14/10/2012 12:42:25 pm
Oh Lizzy - this episode and the torta captured my imagination and tastebuds. Your version looks absolutley delectable! Brava!! I went to the Mastero's session at Crave. He was delightful - exactly the same as Two Greedy Italians. What a treasure!
15/10/2012 09:07:09 pm
Dear Mrs M, thank you every so much! Oh, I am envious. I would love to see Mr Carluccio live. Thank you for stopping by. 14/10/2012 07:58:23 pm
Why is it that everything sounds better in Italian?!
15/10/2012 09:07:45 pm
Aw, thank you Claire... can I tell you, it tastes delicious. I am so grateful to the Two Greedy Italians for sharing this recipe. 15/10/2012 11:20:20 am
As usual, written with great warmth and feeling, Lizzy. A lovely recipe, too. I love lemon in cake and this one looks lovely and moist from your photographs. I'll give it a try. Hope you are keeping well.
15/10/2012 09:08:37 pm
Hello Rachel, I love lemons in all my cooking, period. If there are no lemons on my fruit platter, I feel lost! Thanks for stopping by, my friend. How's the new home? 24/10/2012 01:31:20 pm
Funnily enough, i needed a lemon yesterday and had none in the fruit bowl. Was a little bit lost, until i remembered a rather large lime i brought home from the community garden a few days earlier. I had to rummage through my coat pockets until i found it! The new house is great, Lizzy. Thanks for remembering and for asking. We're about to embark on the painting and decorating phase. Wish us luck! Lots of it!! 15/10/2012 04:53:41 pm
gosh. it looks like it would be a wonderful sweet rice pudding even if you didn't bake it as a cake. we used to have "rice sugar and milk" as kids for dessert - obviously when mum had rice leftover from dinner and no desserts, it would be a bowl of hot rice sprinkled with white sugar and milk poured over it. we kids used to think it was the best thing, and now i can see it was mum being resourceful! nowhere near as fancy as this delicious looking torta (it does sound better in italian) but thank you for bringing back a childhood memory.
15/10/2012 09:09:23 pm
Hello there... true... the rice pudding part tasted so good. My mother made rice pudding too, a Hungarian version. My pleasure! Thanks for stopping by.
15/10/2012 09:47:52 pm
Thanks Celia. My mother made them for years, but mostly when I was quite small. Hence my delight in finding the recipe. I ordered the memoir this morning, too.
6/11/2012 09:50:36 pm
Amanda, thank you! This cake is truly superb. Do let me know if you make it. Was great to meet you recently! 20/10/2012 03:49:16 pm
Beautiful torta di riso, Lizzy! Everything sounds better in Italian :)
6/11/2012 09:51:00 pm
Si, Laura. I agree. And thank you for your kind words. 23/10/2012 04:10:35 am
The picture is beautiful! It looks like so good. Thanks for sharing !
6/11/2012 09:51:12 pm
Thank you. 4/11/2012 11:54:04 pm
What a delightful post! The image of that cake has taken me to a happy place so I can only imagine how good it must have tasted. It was so lovely to meet you on the weekend. One of my weekend highlights :) Thanks you for your ongoing support and kind words. x
6/11/2012 09:51:48 pm
Hi Krystie, I loved meeting you too! We are on the same page and I feel a kinship, so please keep in touch. Comments are closed.
Cooking and writing have been a lifelong passion. Join me as I share with you my favourite recipes; postcards and morsels from my travels; conversations with cookery writers and chefs; and news on food, cookbooks and cooking. - Liz Posmyk
NB: I use Australian standard measuring cups and spoons in my recipes.